8 years ago

Counselor's Corner
Hi, everyone! My name is Elena Robertson. I am the Guidance Counselor at Ashland Elementary School.
The Guidance Program at Ashland Elementary is a comprehensive program designed to meet the needs of our students. The curriculum offers individual student planning, responsive services, and system support. Examples of guidance activities include:
- Classroom guidance classes
- Individual counseling
- Group counseling
- Crisis intervention
- Student orientation
- Bullying prevention and intervention
My goal is to assist students to learn the skills and attitudes required for school success. I place strong emphasis on helping students develop self-awareness, self-esteem, and good interpersonal relationships.
For the Kids:
I am here to help you with any problems or feelings that may be hard to handle on your own. The counselor is your friend and you may tell me anything.
How Do I See the Counselor?
- Tell your teacher
- Tell me when you see me in the hallway or in your classroom
- Write me a note and leave it in the box outside my door
Remember, I am here to help YOU!
For the Parents:
Please contact the counselor if you have any questions or concerns about your child including:
- Classroom/Academic performance
- Family Changes (Moving, Separation, Divorce, or Death)
- Peer Relationships
- Developing Responsibility
- Sudden Changes in Behavior
- Community Resources
- Other Concerns